Black masterbatches is a new solution for coloring polymer products. They are bought for their ability to reduce labor costs in the process of imparting color to polymer products. According to consumer reviews, masterbatches give dense and steady coloring of products. Moreover, adding black masterbatches is a way to improve material performance.
With the help of a masterbatch, they increase antistatic and bactericidal properties, as well as resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
Main characteristics of black masterbatches:
-Contains 10 to 60% high quality furnace soot. The higher the percentage of Carbon Black in the masterbatch, the less it is required to color the polymer material.
-They are characterized by high dispersion and therefore give polymers the deepest and most opaque black color.-Suitable for coloring a variety of polyolefin products made by extrusion, blow molding or injection molding.
Also used for working with HDPE films.
State of the art production technology

Special twin screw compounders

Lean manufacturing

Standardized production processes